
The vision for Awarua Quadrant is to have a minimal negative impact on the surrounding environment by improving the quality of stormwater run-off, enhancing the natural landscape with native planting, treating and disposing of wastewater on site where possible and generating power for local and distributed use.

Renewable Energy

Awarua Quadrant will generate renewable energy to be used on-site and by the local community. Calder Stewart Energy will work with building owners to install solar generation on roofs and canopies. The site has also been identified as a major source for wind generation and this is currently being investigated.

Natural Environment

Awarua Quadrant will enhance the natural environment from its current state as an operating dairy farm. Extensive landscaping buffers will be planted along the main property boundaries including State Highway 1 and Colyer Road. These buffers will be made up of predominantly native plants and will be staged to maximise visual screening over the initial growth of the plants. Where possible walking and cycling tracks will be incorporated in the landscaping buffers.